Guidelines for Authors
EXISTENZANALYSE publishes full papers, review articles, project reports and case studies concerning research, anthropology and existential analytical practice. The journals’ section of discussion features experiential reports and case studies concerning applied existential analysis. Furthermore, it features editorials, letters to the editor (both comments on published articles and preliminary research), and new directions and areas of interest for research.
Submissions that meet our interest according the aim of the journal will be subject to at least two independent and anonymous academic evaluations, carried out by the Scientific Advisory Board. In conclusion the Board decides if your submission will be accepted and featured in EXISTENZANALYSE.
The transmission of the submitted paper to the scientific advisory board will be performed within a 3 weeks time frame. The reviewers are asked to review the paper in due time (see also “Publication Ethics”). The author(s) will immediately get the result of the review process. The author(s) are asked to take position to the possible remarks and comments of the reviewers in any single point and to undertake proposed or necessary changes within a maximum of a 2 months time frame. If the redaction doesn’t get the authors response within this time the review process is terminated and the publication of the paper suspended.
The answers of the authors are again forwarded anonymously to the reviewers by the redaction and in case of their agreement the publication process is started and the paper can appear in the next journal (or the next appropriate journal considering special issues and appropriate themes – subject to discussion also with the authors).
As soon as a paper has deceived the final acceptance by the reviewers it will be prepublished online within one week.
We accept your submission with the understanding that the article in question has never been published or sent in for consideration of publication before (see also “Publication Ethics”). . In the event that your submission is accepted and published by EXISTENZANALYSE, the exclusive copyright is transferred to GLE-International.
Submissions are accepted electronically and should be directed to the following e-mail address:
Layout and Form
For fast processing and reviewing of your article, we kindly ask you to be consistent in the format and software (Microsoft Word) you use. We suggest 1.5 line spacing, 12 pt font, and 2.5cm margins. The article must be proofread, but should not be specifically formatted.
Start your submission with the Title of your article, the Name of the author, a short Abstract (5 to 10 lines) and 3 to 5 Keywords.
For a clear outline, we suggest the use of subheadings throughout the article.
When referring to the work of others in your article we expect you to list the author’s last name and the year of publication of the source directly in the text and mark it with brackets, for example, (Müller 1998). In case of citation the page number is to be included, for example, (Müller 1998, 56). If referring to more than one source, the names are to be separated by semicolons, for example, (Müller 1998, 1999; Müller & Meier 1980).
All sources that are cited in the text must appear in the bibliography at the end of the article. The entries should be alphabetized by the last name of the author of each work and comply with the following guidelines:
Author (Year) Book Title. Publishing Place: Publisher
Author (Year) Article. In: Editor (Hg) Book Title. Publishing Place: Publisher, Page Reference
Author (Year) Title of the article. Name of the journal, Issue, Page Reference
For Example:
Maier A (1998) Psychotherapie. Vienna: Deuticke
Müller B (1998) Existenzanalyse. In: Maier A (Hg) Psychotherapie. Vienna: Deuticke, 50-54
Schmid C (1999) Therapiemethoden. Existenzanalyse 13, 1, 4-12
For multiple articles by the same author published in the same year, list the entries in chronological order and mark them by “a” and “b”, etc.
For Example:
Maier A (1998a) Psychotherapie. Vienna: Deuticke
Maier A (1998b) Psychologie. Vienna: Deuticke
You are asked to provide the following details at the end of the article concerning the author:
Academic title (degree?), first name and surname, address, email.
For Example:
Name and Address:
Univ.-Prof. Dr.phil. Susanne Müller
Random Avenue 25/5
A – 1090 Vienna
Should your article feature captioned tables or illustrations we ask you to send them in on a separate sheet with indication to approximately where in the text they ought to be included. Illustrations must meet a qualitative standard (e.g 300 dpi if using jpg) and will only be published in consultation with the Board.
Please number your article consecutively and steer clear of running heads to ensure anonymity in the review process.
Length of the article:
One page in EA is filled by roughly about 5.500 characters (including blanks). A scientific article of 8 to 10 pages contains about 45.000 – 60.000 characters (including blanks).
It is the author’s responsibility to proofread the manuscript carefully before submission. Before print, a proof copy will be sent to the author for final review. At the final review stage, corrections must be limited to typographical errors.
In case of publication, the author receives three voucher copies free of charge. For every additional copy EA will grant the author a 30 per cent price reduction.
Authors submitting articles for publication certify that their work is not an infringement of any existing copyright and transfer all rights of their article to GLE-International. This includes the right of further publication and reproduction for commercial use (by the help of photomechanical procedure or other). All contents and works published in EXISTENZANALYSE are protected by legal copyright. Any use of the contents, if not explicitly allowed by copyright, needs prior written approval from the publisher. This is particularly relevant for reproduction, editing, translating, microfilming and storing and processing in electronic systems. The rendering of common names, trade names and description of goods in the magazine, even if not specifically marked, do not entitle the reader to make use of them.
Owner and holder of copyright: © GLE-International / Vienna
The views and opinions expressed in the articles are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the position of the Board of EXISTENZANALYSE.
GLE – International
Dr. Silvia Längle
Eduard Sueß Gasse 10
A – 1150 Vienna / Austria
Tel & Fax: 0043/1/9859566